Why we choose paraffin to make our candles
20 gennaio, 2025 di
ILYVERO bvba, Inge-Lise Vermeire
We know...
Our candles are made of paraffin, and for many people that does not feel like an ecological obviousness. Allow us to shed some light on our choice.

Paraffin is for us to date the only possible wax to give our candles their unique properties. It makes the colors appear much more beautiful and vivid. The slightly transparent appearance and the translucent effect can only be obtained with pure paraffin. The fact that our candles curl open is also a property of this raw material. After all, the wax must possess a certain hardness, a strength that is less evident in vegetal waxes. 

Are more harmful substances released when burning paraffin candles than candles made from vegetal waxes? We can decisively answer "no" to that. There are numerous studies commissioned by the candle industry but conducted by independent agencies that confirm this. You can read more about it at (website ECMA)

Is paraffin production more ecologically burdened than vegetal waxes? We cannot answer this question for the time being because the calculation of the ecological footprint is still in development. Vegetal waxes take up land that could also be used for food production or cause deforestation in areas that are already precarious. On the other hand, they also take CO² from the atmosphere as they grow. Paraffin is produced from the residual fraction of crude oil after previously extracting motor oil and fuels. Typically it contains no more than 0.5% oil.

Arguments for and against each type of wax can be made.

We choose to work with paraffin produced in Europe. It is the same quality as the kerosene used in cosmetics or in the food industry. So on that front we are already in good company!


ILYVERO bvba, Inge-Lise Vermeire 20 gennaio, 2025
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